Saturday, January 6, 2024

Hard Truths About Life…

* Everybody hurts. No one goes through this life without some kind of struggle. We are here to learn and grow, and a lot of that happens through struggle.

 * No one cares!! Whether you create the life you want or not, no one gives a shit. You have to do what you need to do for you.

* Life is not fair. You have to love yourself, and not dwell and get stuck on that. Find a way to make your circumstances work for you. Or work hard to create better circumstances.

* Everyone ages, but not everyone matures. 

* Some of our greatest lessons and best teachers are 1) failures 2) heartaches

* We pay the price for the things we don’t do to take good care of ourselves. Everything catches up with us (Not taking care of our health, not saving more money, neglecting our loved ones etc).

* No one is coming to save you. You either work to create what you want for your life, or chances are you won’t get it.

— Maria Consiglio 

I really like the line about not everyone maturing, Lol. What stands out most is the line about working hard to create better circumstances. I come from humble beginnings, and a volatile, (downright scary actually) environment. The silver lining was that I created the intention to achieve a much better life for myself. I just knew that it was possible to work hard and achieve a comfortable lifestyle financially, and I also knew that it was possible to create a loving, caring and collaborative relationship. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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