Saturday, March 5, 2022

Sense of belonging…

I was no longer needing to be special, because I was no longer so caught in my puny separateness that had to keep proving I was something. I was part of the universe, like a tree is, or like grass is, or like water is.

— Ram Dass (Born in Boston, with a PhD from Stanford, Ram Dass was a spiritual teacher, guru of modern yoga, psychologist and author. His best selling book Be Here Now, described as seminal by multiple reviewers, helped popularize Eastern spirituality and yoga in the West. Ram Dass founded the Hanuman Foundation in ‘74, which strived to improve the spiritual well-being of society through education, media and community service programs. He gave all of his book royalties and profits from teaching to this foundation, and other charitable causes. The estimated amount of earnings he donated annually ranged from $100,000 - 800,000). 

What strikes me is the compelling and beautiful connection between giving selflessly and the sense of belonging. Having said that, clearly Ram Dass means that simply being on this earth means we belong. Just sayin’ : ) Hugs. XO




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