Sunday, March 6, 2022

Get started and learn as you go…

Don’t worry too much about how you are going to get it all done. Get started, learn as you go, and it will all come to you.

Action creates momentum, and momentum energizes you to keep going.


I have typically struggled with performance anxiety, whether it’s a musical concert (I played an instrument and sang in high school and college), giving speeches/presentations (at work mostly), or delivering on important goals. I’m pretty sure perfectionism is partly to blame and I’ve had to address the issue because I’m on a mission, Lol. For many years I’ve been in hot pursuit of an entrepreneurial vision, which has me flying by the seat of my pants much of the time. I simply lack the experience and expertise I need in certain scenarios. But so far, so good. I’ve kinda gotten used to not knowing what I’m doing and doing it anyway, ha ha. I’m still working on it, so we’ll see. But there’s one thing I can count on and that is my undying persistence, perseverance and discipline. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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