Tuesday, March 8, 2022

A little communication goes a long way…

A little communication goes such a long way.

If you’re busy, say it. If you’re upset, express it. 

If you’re running late, let people know.

If you don’t want to do something, be straight forward.

If you’re unsure, ask.

It’s so simple but so important.

— TheMindsJournal

My relationships improved exponentially when I learned to be honest and direct. This didn’t come naturally, I’m afraid. I learned about “addressing” issues and concerns head on with people in a weekend workshop (and I’m still learning). The instructor gave us no choice but to practice “clearing” with others. Originally, I was pretty fearful and resisted approaching anyone I felt uncomfortable with (I thought there’d be yucky backlash, because this is what I experienced growing up). Interestingly enough, those same people had the courage to approach me. These little air-clearing discussions were so compassionate and empathetic that I could see a different way (as opposed to avoiding and letting tensions build). I realized there’s a way of talking to people that invites sharing, understanding and a deepening of connection. I’ve never looked back. Just sayin’ ; ) Hugs. XO



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