We need each other. This is a proven fact. Though we're on very personal and unique journeys of our own, we all struggle and there's nothing like a life meltdown or two to learn the value of meaningful connection. Some experiences transcend the need to protect our ego-driven pride and I don't know if there's a more unlikely gift than realizing you need help. You realize you may not actually make it without the lifeline of a few truly special people, who so willingly scoop you up from your free fall. Humbling does not begin to cover it. But there it is. Post 2008 I suffered a completely unexpected and almost debilitating career slide into oblivion. This went on too. There was no quick fix, no easy answers. A few auspicious events brought me back to sanity and a road to recovery, though not a quick one unfortunately. The thing with ongoing struggle is that you continue to see the immeasurable value in people who truly care. Looking back on the scariest time of my life, what I'm left with is the truly inspiring acts of kindness and generosity around me. No amount of money or career success will ever touch me so profoundly and there are no words to express the gratitude that I carry with me now and always.
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