Saturday, July 18, 2015

Shadow self...

Nobody wants to be the weak link. More importantly, we sure as hell don't want to think much about our very personal weak points! Carl Jung (psychologist) talks about our "shadow" self, which is essentially parts of ourselves that we're either unaware of or that we simply can't acknowledge (or would like to deny vehemently Lol;)) because these qualities and traits are simply not very attractive. My favourite therapist says that if we were to ask five of our closest friends and loved ones what our weaknesses are, they would all know what they are off the top of their heads and their experiences with us would be frighteningly similar. (I'm going fall on my sword and come clean on a few doozies of my own that I fear may be waaaay more visible than I would like to admit... so for me, I think my list might be comprised of impatience/annoyance, unreliability at times as I flounder in my own messes, perhaps somewhat of an addiction or at least a conspicuous preference for younger/cute guys - I mean, legal and all that Lol;)!, an overly talkative nature and an avoidance of conflict or general unpleasantness. I'm sure there would be more, but we can't see ourselves the way others do, so I'm not sure what else my trusted friends and family would come up with). Yeah, so pretty much, ugh. This is not a fun exercise at all.... however, a wise and poetic coach tells me that if we're willing to look at our own inner ugly duckling, we just may be able to turn our proverbial lead into gold. I'll let you know how it goes, ha ha! ;) Hugs.



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