Am I the only one who's feeling like a slow learner out there?? We start out with such lofty goals and ideals. We put on our game face, dig in and set out to kick ass. We probably don't mind working hard, as long as we're getting a fair shake for our efforts. Then reality hits and holy shit! We hear life isn't fair, but it's not until things get real personal that we fully understand the gravity of the cliche. Our marriages fail, we lose a job or two and maybe we're not driving the hot car or living in the swank pad we imagined. (Especially if Vancouver is where we call home). At some point we look back and think what the heck? I thought I followed all the "rules" and made all the necessary effort? What happened? Another cliche comes to mind - "it's about the journey, not the destination" and all that. But, seriously, does any of that help when we're just not where we want to be? So, what's the wisdom/lesson/learning? Uhhhh.... well, does anyone really know? More and more cliche's come to mind - "just let go", or "surrender", or "see it, believe it and it will be so" etc.... but again, does any of that really help when we're staring at a less than stellar bank account or we're picking up the pieces of yet another crumbled relationship? Did anyone else think life was supposed to get easier? I suppose I did. I now realize that life is just life... Stuff just happens. It's a mixed bag and tough times are an absolute certainty - but so are the exciting, fun, wonderful times. So maybe the trick is easing up on our expectations and strict game plan. Maybe just hanging out and trying stuff is the way to go. Chill, be curious, have fun! This is my new motto. I have a feeling, this may be a winning strategy - for more happiness that is ;)! Hugs.
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