Sunday, July 26, 2015

Dreams part deux...

I'm being haunted by my dreams lately (see yesterday's post). I guess some things are not easily dealt with and then happily forgotten. You just wish you could delete certain things from existence. On the topic of dreams, I remembered a series of three dreams I had before my break up. I might go so far as to say, these were premonitions, if you believe in that kind of thing. In my first dream, my boyfriend told me he thought we should break up - and this was totally out of the blue and made no sense (this ended up happening of course). In the second dream I saw myself have a slow motion head on collision. Someone drove straight into my lane, pedal to the metal and it was lights out. I died. In my third dream, I woke up from the scary head on collision in a hospital bed with no legs. Okay, these last two dreams didn't come true literally, but I do believe they happened to me figuratively. Though we had both been falling out of the relationship for some time, there was a whole world going on that I had no knowledge of and it shook my world silly. In many ways, I've had to start from the ground up, learning about how I conduct myself in the world;  how and why I've made certain choices, what I need and want and what really matters to me. No pain no gain? Well, I would say the "gain" has been worth all the upset. There comes a time in life when we can no longer hide from certain truths. It's feeling like this is just starting to get good. SO! We survive and we can thrive. Know what I'm sayin'? Hugs.



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