Sunday, November 26, 2023

Coming to save you…

The person coming to save you 

is your healed self.

— Unknown  

Yup. Very true. When I was younger, I counted on my boyfriend/husband/friends to be my support system, until I realized this was not a sustainable, or adequate solution. My family of origin was not a haven unfortunately, and so I was left somewhat untethered emotionally. In my parents defence, they did teach us kids about manners, integrity, character and the importance of education, which certainly led to career and financial stability. The emotional/relationship end of things, not so much. My favourite therapist says this is actually more the norm, so I’m sure my parents did their best. Beyond that, it’s been up to me to find the emotional stability required for a healthy and happy relationship. Now, this is not easy work, as you pretty much have to be willing to pick over your past in excruciating detail. This is the road less travelled, as my therapist says, but I highly recommend it. Life is better in every respect on the other side of such a brave post mortem. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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