Friday, July 26, 2019

It’s okay...


* To make mistakes
* To have bad days
* To be less than perfect
* To do what’s best for you
* To be yourself

— Stacie Swift (Writer, illustrator, blogger with a focus on very positive and cozy self-help thoughts and tips)

My favourite therapist says that acknowledging our deepest truths and allowing ourselves to feel what we’re feeling is the beginning of a new kind of freedom. I have had such an experience and although not too fun at the time, I can speak to the welcome unburdening. One thing that really stood out for me is that much of what we’re carrying is not necessarily our stuff. We inherit emotional weight from past generations and from the general experience of growing up. On the other hand, another trusted coach schooled me on the path to stronger mental and emotional health. This required a mental adjustment for sure. My coach went on to explain that although we were at the mercy of authority figures growing up, and we may even have been victimized, at some point we have to fully own our actions, behaviours and issues... if we want some inner peace and better quality relationships anyway. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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