Saturday, March 2, 2019

Inside job...

Happiness is an inside job. Don’t assign anyone else that much power over your life.

— Unknown

It is said that anything external to us may be fleeting, and therefore should not be relied upon to fulfill us; possessions, people, jobs. I think it’s quite the paradigm shift to embrace this philosophy. A few years back, however, I lost a safe relationship and a very high paying job. I had to suddenly downscale my life in a big way and it felt like the worst thing that ever happened to me. It was actually the best thing that happened to me. It sounds so cliche, but somehow I learned to enjoy the simple things; coffee and writing in the morning, spending time with treasured loved ones, puttering around the house, dreaming about my perfect life. It all came true! Just sayin’ :) Hug. XO



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