Saturday, September 30, 2017

Way of thinking...

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.
Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a
precious privelege it is to be a live - to breathe, to
think, to enjoy, to love.

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all
within yourself, in your way of thinking.

- Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor from 161 - 181, and the last of the so called "Five Good Emperors." His writings are considered by many to be one of the greatest works of philosophy. His death in 180 is widely cited as the end of Pax Romana and the beginning of the eventual "Fall of the Western Roman Empire.")

The most successful and fulfillling days of my life began with positive changes and an increased investment in my own inner and outer world. Just sayin' :) Hugs.



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