Saturday, September 10, 2016

Tending the mind...

Food for thought...

"The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another."

- William James (American philosopher, physician and first educator to offer a psychology course in the US).

"No matter where you go or what you do, you live your entire life within the confines of your head"

- Terry Josephson (Motivational Speaker)

"You and I are not what we eat; we are what we think."

- Walter Anderson, (The Confidence Course)

"The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results."

- Norman Vincent Peale (American Minister and Author of The Power of Positive Thinking)

"The law of attraction attracts to you everything you need, according to the nature of your thought life. Your environment and financial condition are the perfect reflection of your habitual thinking. Thought rules the world."

- Joseph Edward Murphy (American New Thought Minister, Ph D Psychology)

Just sayin' :)



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