Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What do we live for - part two

"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering. If there is a purpose in life at all, there must be a purpose in suffering and in dying. But no man can tell another what this purpose is. Each must find out for himself, and must accept the responsibility that his answer prescribes. If he succeeds, he will continue to grow in spite of all indignities."

- Gordon W Allport (Preface to Victor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning)

The whole who are we and what is it all about question. So, what do we care about? What keeps us going, no matter what happens to us? What is our very personal journey that hopefully brings us to contentment with our "Self"? ... regardless of the "shoulds" in life, which can take a lot of emotional courage, given family and society pressures. Let's keep trying though ;) Hugs.



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