Sunday, May 31, 2015

Mind Matters...

"Emily Dickinson once mused 'The heart wants what it wants - or else it does not care.' However, when it comes to love and sex, the heart really has no say at all. Studies have proven the brain surpasses all other organs as the main catalyst for feelings of passion and partner-seeking."

- Newsweek Special Edition, Science of Sex

Apparently, the brain is a legitimate sexual organ and there is a clear and direct link between the brain and the all mighty "O". In summary, achieving the perfect orgasm and falling in love is all in our heads. The brain has to say yes! Why is this??... because the brain is a gland that secretes hormones to control sexual functions. During sex, the brain acts as a 'pleasure centre' telling us what's enjoyable and what's not and our sexual "parts" communicate with the brain. Without the brain, achieving orgasm would be unattainable and furthermore, during an orgasm the brain looks much like that of a person on heroin. May explain some of the behavior out there, Lol, ;)



Saturday, May 30, 2015

Filling the void...

Now this is a tough one... what is it that we're avoiding? Are we being honest with others? Are we being honest with ourselves? What can't we deal with? What do we really need and want in life, if we're courageous enough to go after it? What's eating at us, from the inside out... and how are we filling the void - food, sugar specifically, smoking, drinking, drugs, other people's drama, our own drama, sex, romance, fiction? ... What bothers us and why? ... and if we can actually admit that something's off and stop filling the void, then what? How do we solve our issue? What will be required of us? Will we have to blow up our life as we know it? Will we have to hurt the people around us? It's all just so difficult, isn't it? But if we find ourselves sleep walking through life and numbing out, maybe we must face uncomfortable change... because what's on the other side may just be worth it. What if the love of our life is on the other side? What if the best is yet to come? Just sayin':) Hugs.



Friday, May 29, 2015

Unrequited love and feelings...

Therapists say we all experience feelings/fear of rejection, abandonment, and neglect. We're sensitive and it hurts when our feelings are not reciprocated - even if we try to tell ourselves it's all for the best, or it wasn't a match etc. Thing is, truly, no one is in control of who loves who. We can't convince ourselves to love someone, so it's silly to be hurt when someone doesn't fall for us or love us, if you think about it?? Feelings are not logical and they are not in our control. Maybe we can hold onto that notion and be more accepting and carefree the next time we face "rejection". Hugs.



Thursday, May 28, 2015

When things don't go our way...

What to do when things don't go our way :( ... We have to keep going and trust that our efforts will pay off. Why does it hurt so much though? Why do we feel so let down and rejected or something? We work our a--es off, make sizeable sacrifices and then stare at an empty bag, thinking, what the f-ck? What are we to do? Sometimes, nothing, I guess. We just have to sit with "it", keep the dream alive and find some fun and connection somewhere. Enter the important people in our lives :)... friends, family, children, mate, what have you.... and maybe that's enough in the end anyway. Just sayin'. Hugs.



Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sex: differences between men and women ;)

"31. Age when women feel their sexiest. In their 30's, women have hit their emotional sexual peak."

" Men, on average, take 4 minutes from the point of entry to reach climax; women usually take around 10 to 11 minutes to reach climax - if they get there at all."

"Libido at age 30. Men's testosterone levels decrease by 1% a year, just as women's desire is on the rise."

"Women in their 50's. 71% of 50-somethings said their last sexual experience resulted in an orgasm, more than any other age group."

"75% of men in a relationship say they always have an orgasm, as opposed to 26% of women."

"The majority of adult men under 60 think about sex at least once a day. Only a quarter of women say they think about it that frequently."

Yet again, proof that men and women truly are different. In many ways, can't be helped.... acceptance may be key)



Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What is love - part two...

"This love that can become a contact with truth itself arises only out of your consciousness - not out of your body, but out of your innermost being. Lust arises out of your body, love arises out of your consciousness. But people don't know their consciousness, and the misunderstanding goes on and on - their bodily lust is taken for love."

- Osho from his book Love, Freedom and Aloneness

Love, lust, hopefully both. Hugs.



Monday, May 25, 2015


Let's see things the way they really are ... if possible ;)

"As soon as we subscribe to a belief, that belief has the effect of screening or filtering our perception of the reality that's actually happening... and so we no longer see things as they actually are..."


Rose tinted glasses, denial, etc.... all things that prevent us from "dealing". Maybe sometimes we just "can't handle the truth"... hell, life constantly throws curve balls our way - it's not wonder we can't always handle the truth. But as they say, admitting something is half the battle. Just sayin';) Hugs.



Sunday, May 24, 2015

The human condition...

"I do not see in the best seller status of my book so much an achievement and accomplishment on my part as an expression of the misery of our time: if hundreds of thousands of people reach out for a book whose very title promises to deal with the question of a meaning to life, it must be a question that burns under the fingernails."

- Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning

Isn't that the truth.... xo



Saturday, May 23, 2015

Funny! ;)

Okay, couldn't resist posting this...  ;)

"I have tried running, but I kept spilling my wine."


Have a lovely day beautiful people.



What is love?

Regarding Google's fact that "What is love?" is the most-searched phrase in all of 2012, we're clearly still trying to figure it out.

Well, in my research over the last 200+ days, I haven't found the magic answer, but I do like one idea above all others. In the movie Inventing the Abbotts, Joaquin Phoenix's character tells his love interest (played by Liv Tyler), that the past doesn't matter and none of the crap matters because "I love you no matter what... and that's the best kind of love".

Sounds like a wonderful love... hope we all find it in our lives ;) Hugs.



Friday, May 22, 2015

Social media and intimacy..

"Global communication is easier than it's ever been. But communicating fears, thoughts and desires is still one of the biggest hurdles any couple must leap over as they move forward together on a search for intimacy... one dirty text at a time."

- Newsweek Special Edition, Doing it in the 21st Century

Eventually, we have to face each other ;)... connect in reality and reveal ourselves. Can be scary! Hugs.



Thursday, May 21, 2015

Online romance...

"Thirty-five percent of couples married between 2005 and 2012 met online. The average length of courtship for married couples who met online is 18.5 months, while those who met offline married after 42 months (3.5 years) of dating.

- Special Newsweek Edition,  The Laws of Attraction

Wow, so that's pretty official. Meeting online is an effective way of making a real connection. We spend enough time on our devices these days, guess it makes sense we'd be on Facebook, Linked in, Youtube and whatever dating site in our spare time. Wonder if the succes rate is better, with the qualification up front? I'm sure someone will look into it, Lol;)



Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Sex and the brain...

"I think that sex is not between the waist and the knees but up in the brain. That's the main thing, but the body has to be involved; the woman has to communicate, and the man has to have an erection to be sexually active, but the brain has to be a part of it."

- Dr Ruth

Works for me, Lol ;)



Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Sex and the elephant in the room... (potential for boredom)!

"The one thing I hear the most about, and that I think we need to talk more about, is boredom. If people engage in sex, even the ones who eventually have orgasms, if it's always the same position, if it's always the same day of the week, in the same predictable way, it becomes boring. And boredom is a big problem."

- Dr Ruth

Yup. Joy of Sex anyone? ... Hey, if anyone has other great books they swear by, leave me a comment and I'll post the title(s).



Monday, May 18, 2015

Sex: differences between men and women

About Sex...

"31. Age when women feel their sexiest. In their 30's, women have hit their emotional sexual peak."

" Men, on average, take 4 minutes from the point of entry to reach climax; women usually take around 10 to 11 minutes to reach climax - if they get there at all."

"Libido at age 30. Men's testosterone levels decrease by 1% a year, just as women's desire is on the rise."

"Women in their 50's. 71% of 50-somethings said their last sexual experience resulted in an orgasm, more than any other age group."

"75% of men in a relationship say they always have an orgasm, as opposed to 26% of women."

"The majority of adult men under 60 think about sex at least once a day. Only a quarter of women say they think about it that frequently."

- Newsweek Special Edition, Science of Sex

Yet again, proof that men and women truly are different. In many ways, can't be helped.... acceptance may be key:)



Sunday, May 17, 2015

Who's cheating and why?

"An Indiana University study suggests men and women cheat at the same rate, however, the reasons the sexes cheat are different..... women tend to cheat for emotional satisfaction, which is the mot damaging type of infidelity because it means you've likely checked out of your relationship and your emotions are elsewhere."  ... yikes for men...

"Thirty-four percent of women who had affairs were happy or very happy in their marriage, compared with 56 percent of men, said a Rutgers University study. For more men, extra marital partners are often seen as a supplement to their spouse, rather than an alternative." ... ouch ladies!

Ok, this one, double yikes ladies and gents!

"Women's capacity to stray might have evolutionary roots. Ancient women paired up to have children, theorizes Rutgers University biological anthropologist Helen Fisher. But on the way to gather food, they slept with other men, creating what Fisher calls an insurance policy: Someone to help in child rearing and resource gathering should their mate die. 'She might even have an extra child to create more genetic variety in her lineage; if some children die, others will live on."

... wow! Not how we like to see ourselves, huh? ....

"In 2008, Hasse Walum and his colleagues discovered men carrying the 334 vasopressing gene in a specific genetic location scored significantly lower on the Partner Bonding Scale, indicating less feelings of attachment to their spouse and more instances of marital crisis. They also scored lower in marital satisfaction. All these aspects add up to an increased likelihood of infidelity."

"87% of human cultures on this planet are not monogamous."

It gets even nastier in "The Truth About Monogamy", but I'll spare our sensitivity ;)

- Special Newsweek Edition, Science of Sex

Wow, truth hurts, huh? ... or maybe if we've made "mistakes" in the past, we can feel a little less guilty and just simply human! Hugs.



Saturday, May 16, 2015

It starts with a kiss...

"There's a reason kissing feels incredible: your lips are 100 times more sensitive than the tips of your fingers."

"Humans soon discovered just how sensitive their lips are to the touch. The right kind of contact, in fact, activates five of our 12 cranial nerves and releases the neurotransmitter dopamine - the same chemical involved in a cocaine high but all our forebears knew was that kissing felt good, and the human race was soon addicted."

"According to some scientists, this could be one of the many ways the human race gets stronger from generation to generation. The set of genes that determines certain immunities can be subconsciously detected by humans who are in each other's "personal space". When searching for a mate, women tend to look for someone with different genes from their own, and locking lips helps determine the winners."

- Special Newsweek Edition, Science of Sex

Ahhh, gotta love the mighty make out ;)



Friday, May 15, 2015

Libido lifters... sweeeet stuff ;)!

"Oysters, garlic and chocolate are legendary libido lifters, but the sweet stuff helps the sex drive in more ways than one. It contains theobromine, an alkaloid similar to caffeine, and also contains phenylethylamine, a chemical believed to produce the feeling of being in love."

- Special Newsweek Edition, Science of Sex

Hmmmm. I knew that chocolate addiction was bigger than me;)



Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sex is the best medicine - it's a fact! ;)

Compliments of Newsweek Special Edition, Science of Sex

1. Men and women were both likely to report sexual satisfaction and reduced stress if they also reported frequent kissing and cuddling.
2. Sex might be better for your brain than doing a crossword puzzle (apparently, orgasms make us smarter... in bringing blood flow/oxygen/nutrients to specific parts of the brain that few other things can do).
3. Working out makes sex more enjoyable (again, blood flow thing!)
4. Sex can cure headaches. No joke!

Alrighty then! Let's get it on folks, Lol ;)



Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Love at first sight surprise...

Get this... ;)

"Using data compiled from an online survey of more than 10,000 people worldwide, authors of The Normal Bar found that men are more romantic than women: 48% of men versus 28% of women are more likely to fall in love at fist sight. Alternatively, a report in the journal Psychological Sciences says it takes as little as half a second for a man to determine whether what he's feeling about a potential mate is love or lust."

- Special Newsweek Edition, Science of Sex

Surprising, huh?



Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Fun sex and love facts...

"A woman is attracted to a man who makes her laugh, and a man likes a woman who laughs at his jokes."

"Brain scans of people who'd recently fallen in love reveal more activity related to love than sex, illustrating that romantic love is a much more powerful experience than sex drive."

"What is love?" (The most searched phrase in all of 2012 according to Google).

"If the data is to be believed, when it comes to matters of the heart, it's all about the brain."

(Ref. "Defining Love" from Special Newsweek Edition, Science of Sex.



Monday, May 11, 2015

Keeping our cool...

Compliments of

4 Ways to Keep Your Cool in Stressful Situations

1. Physically slow down. Whatever you're doing, do it more slowly, signalling to the brain there's nothing to worry about.
2. Slow down the breathing, bridging the body and mind - apparently, "it is impossible to be stressed with relaxed, slow breathing"
3. Focus only on the activity at hand. This reduces fear and anxiety around past trauma's and concerns over future.
4. Be outcome free. Not easy to do, but can prevent the old self-fulfilling prophecy.

Ps. Roger! Ever had the realization that you've actually been holding your breath, when under duress! Talk about the effects of stress ;) Hugs.



Sunday, May 10, 2015

The child within us...

"Three things are striking about inner child work. The speed with which people change when they do this work, the depth of that change and the power and creativity that results when the wounds from the past are healed." (Google Books)

(Ref. Homecoming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child, by John Bradshaw).

Most "talking" therapies refer, in some way shape or form, to the "child" that lives on in us throughout our adult lives. The rub - we're all left with "stuff' from our earlier years ;( ... happily, the silver lining - there's potentially a lot of fun, creativity, freedom, ease and peace in there, if we can tap into the often silenced part of us. Amazingly enough, that little person in there is pretty sweet, bright and wise (the kid that we used to be before the world scared the shit out of us and kicked us around pretty good!) Just sayin';). Hugs.



Saturday, May 9, 2015

Making the best of it...

"You never know what you're going to get. So you hope for the best and make the most of what comes your way."

- Anonymous

"Nuff said :)



Friday, May 8, 2015

The pursuit of happiness...

We may make a list of pursuits - success, financial freedom, great relationship(s), hot chemistry, popularity/fame etc? ... but do we place the same energy and emphasis on joy, fulfillment, peace? Does fulfilled ambition bring us what we really need and want in the end? Why do we focus so intensely on the external/potentially superficial? Why are we trying so hard to keep up with the Jones'? ... and what should we be more focused on? Viktor E Frankl says "life holds a potential meaning under any conditions, even the most miserable ones".... and so going "deeper" than our goals and ambitions may hold the key to unconditional peace and happiness.



Thursday, May 7, 2015

What do we live for - part three

"He who has a why to live, can bear with almost any how."

- Nietzche

Well, I guess that means we have to find peace in our own little journey - make the most of what we've come into this world with and determine a sense of purpose or personal contribution? Maybe not so easy? ... but worth consideration? Hugs.



Wednesday, May 6, 2015

What do we live for - part two

"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering. If there is a purpose in life at all, there must be a purpose in suffering and in dying. But no man can tell another what this purpose is. Each must find out for himself, and must accept the responsibility that his answer prescribes. If he succeeds, he will continue to grow in spite of all indignities."

- Gordon W Allport (Preface to Victor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning)

The whole who are we and what is it all about question. So, what do we care about? What keeps us going, no matter what happens to us? What is our very personal journey that hopefully brings us to contentment with our "Self"? ... regardless of the "shoulds" in life, which can take a lot of emotional courage, given family and society pressures. Let's keep trying though ;) Hugs.



Tuesday, May 5, 2015


"Sometimes it's better to just remain silent, and smile."


Stillness is most surely underrated in general... in the age of devices, social media, compelling programs to watch... quiet time must be at an all time low. Interesting things come up when we sit still. Just sayin' ;)



Monday, May 4, 2015

What do we live for?

Viktor Frankl, a concentration camp survivor and one of the most gifted of all psychiatrists, asked the truly morose what they continued to live for. And so...

"Frankl distinguishes several forms of neurosis, and traces some of them to the failure of the sufferer to find meaning and a sense of responsibility in his existence."

(Ref. Man's Search for Meaning, by Viktor E. Frankl)

Wishes that we find our best sense of meaning and responsibility, go forth and prosper. Hugs. xo



Sunday, May 3, 2015

We know what to do...

A very wise friend says "we know what we need to do... we just can't bring ourselves to do it".... in reference to ending a relationship, in particular. Nobody wants to do the "dirty" work. Nobody wants to be the bad guy...  and so we stay in expired relationships too long and likely end up more hurt  ;( We just can't bring ourselves to initiate the hurting process... ugh. Nothin' fun about that!... and not sure what the answer is... Maybe acknowledgment is enough to make a healthier move next time around ;) Hugs.



Saturday, May 2, 2015

Take good care...

Compliments of Rob Brezny

"'Nothing's going right in my life. I feel anxious and paranoid all the time. My relationships are a mess.' In my line of work, people make confessions like that to me. My first response is usually something like this. 'Do you habitually gobble junk food near bedtime, steal a paltry five hours of sleep per night, gulp two cups of coffee and no breakfast in the morning, then bolt to a workplace where you get no sunlight or exercise and sit in an uncomfortable chair?' They often reply, 'You must be psychic! How did you know?!' My point is that many psychological troubles stem from our chronic failure to take good care."

Hmmm..... ;)



Friday, May 1, 2015

Pointing the finger...

It's not easy hearing negative feedback. The receiving end of judgment is painful in general. On the other hand... ever had the experience of rejecting feedback, quite vehemently and with a  "pffft" reaction?!.... only to later realize a hard truth, Lol ;) Personally speaking, some of the most upsetting and hurtful feedback has led to life altering behaviour changes and quality of life improvements. Just sayin;) Hugs.

