Sunday, February 16, 2025

The real luxuries in life…

When you realize the real luxuries in life are slow mornings, time with the people you love, home cooked food, quiet moments, good sleep, time in nature, a good book, watching the sunrise, and not rushing everywhere; that is when you begin to really live!

— Unknown 

I’ve been giving this a lot of thought lately. I’m a bit torn, because I love the simple things in life (the ocean, swimming outside, time with friends, morning coffee, writing, animals, movies, music etc), but I also kind of need warm vacations, live entertainment, dining out and new clothing garments once in a while too. I’ve certainly learned to live on a lot less, thanks to a 2008 financial crisis near-bankruptcy. I’ve pretty much settled on living simple most of the time. I prioritize saving; for retirement, for a rainy day  and for pre-paid for trips and fun extra’s. Zero debts. And I get to watch my investments grow. Just sayin’ ; ) Hugs and good luck. XO



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