Sunday, February 23, 2025

Healing past fight or flight mode…

Nobody really talks about this

But, once you start healing past traumas and your body comes out of “fight or flight” mode your body will crave a lot of rest And, silence. Your body finally starts to feel safe in peace + quiet. The calm. You aren’t lazy, your body is just catching up on all the years it didn’t have this stillness. 

You. Deserve. This.

— Unknown

I couldn’t seem to stop crying during my three years of intensive therapy (individual, plus group therapy, involving 6 weekend seminars per year). There was a lot to unpack, given the tumultuous family I grew up in. My parents were hugely at odds and both were fairly explosive and at times violent. I walked on egg shells and tried to be perfect to avoid the hot seat, which set me up for a bit of OCD and anxiety. I still suffer from neat freak tendencies and fidgeting, but at some point my body began to relax. I now enjoy naps and quiet time above all else. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs and good luck. XO




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