Sunday, February 2, 2025

Do the work to heal?…

I hate when people say “If you love me, you’ll accept me as I am”. Loving you doesn’t mean tolerating your refusal to develop emotional intelligence and heal your dysfunction. If you loved you, you would do the work so people who love you don’t feel forced to walk away.

— Unknown 

I continue to do the work to heal. I was fortunate that my ex-husband drew a firm boundary around my family drama. I was surprised to hear him say he “wasn’t willing to take that on”. He went on to say that talking to him or my friends would not solve the issues and that I should talk to a professional in order to better deal with the family dysfunction. Boy was he right. I made a significant investment (of time and money) in individual therapy, group therapy, therapist led weekend relationship workshops and spiritual healing. I think I cried for about three years. I had no idea the depth of anger, resentment, and sadness I carried from my childhood, and ongoing family issues. I could see the benefit of the work right away, and I’m actually returning to the weekend workshops to deal with the death of my mother and resulting fall out with my siblings. Therapy has had a very positive impact on my relationships, my career, and my overall health and well being, and I’m excited to pursue an even deeper level of self-care and love. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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