Saturday, July 8, 2023

The cost of negative energies…

I am free from any negative energies that I have subconsciously or consciously attracted through the world around me - physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. I revoke any energetic permission I have given in the ethereal or physical realms that don’t align with my highest path. I have divine protection from all negativity attempting to attach to my body and energy.

— Unknown 

I found Body Talk and Craniosacral Therapies by accident. I’ve suffered stomach aches and digestive issues pretty much my whole life and I’d run through the traditional medical system AND alternative therapies (including the Eat for Your Blood Type diet plan, which did help somewhat) and nothing seemed to solve the underlying issue. Luckily, an acquaintance told me about Body Talk and this has been a game changer, both physically and mentally. I paid to solve my stomach issues, and ended up with ongoing mental health support. I was very quickly diagnosed with “anxious tummy.” For me, stress lands on my gut/digestion. I learned about the impact that energies/negativity can have on us. We’ll find some people energizing and healing, while others will leave us with a bad taste in our mouth, so to speak. There have been soooo many benefits to Body Talk/Craniosacral therapy. Topping the list are; greater awareness of negative energies, better boundaries, weight loss, no more stomach aches, my body can handle more food and a greater variety of foods (a little bit of wheat and dairy are now ok, which used to kill me). Fewf! Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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