Resting is not a waste of time. It’s an investment in well-being.
Relaxing is not a sign of laziness. It’s a source of energy.
Breaks are not a distraction. They are a chance to refocus.
Play is not a frivolous activity. It’s a path to connection and creativity.
— Adam Grant (American psychologist and author who is currently a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, specializing in organizational psychology. Grant received academic tenure at age 28, making him the youngest tenured professor at the Wharton School. He has also won numerous awards for research, speaking, writing, and teaching. He won the Class of 1984 Teaching Award, acknowledging him as the highest rated Wharton MBA professor in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. He has won over a dozen other teaching awards at the Wharton School as well).
My favourite therapist talks about the “Inner Family” as a potential key to managing ourselves and our lives. The Inner Family is comprised of Ego (the part of us that tends to be overly protective, pretty black and white, potentially negative and critical, hard core, wanting bigger, better, more etc.), the Inner Child (typically the vulnerable, potentially wounded and needy, but also loving and playful side of us), the Adult (the face we present to the world and the manager of the Inner Family) and Spirit or Higher Self (our best self and the part of us that is tolerant, understanding, compassionate, open-minded, healing). My therapist says that if we can get in touch with these parts of ourselves, feel and address all of the internal concerns, we will better manage our lives and our relationships. There’s an exercise where you can journal from each perspective and it’s quite enlightening. For me, usually Ego is kind of pissed off and frustrated with people/things, wants more money, and has less patience in general. Inner Child is often hurt by something, typically with a link to painful childhood moments and needing more time to play and do fun things. Spirit is ever positive and tolerant and “knows” that everything will work out. Adult is a good negotiator and is typically a bit stressed out managing everything, Lol. Once I listen to all of these internal concerns, needs, wants, my mind calms and I am more clear on how to proceed. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO