Thursday, November 1, 2018

The power of intention...

Live less out of habit and more out of intent.

— Unknown

A trusted life coach blessed my life with the power of intention. At the time, I was looking for a new job (the current one was strangling me on every level) and I was determined to NEVER go through another break up (the last one left me humiliated, particularly since, in truth, I had been done for about a year and was dragging my heals for a number understandable, but fearful and misguided reasons). My coach told me to write down what I wanted very clearly. Not a list, per se, she said, but write out how you want to feel each day and how you envision life with that perfect partner, or perfect job. Write out the kind of manager, how much you want to earn, desired daily activities etc.. I wanted; autonomy, the ability to be entrepreneurial and creative, flexibility and a boss that would empower me, rather than micro-manage my daily activities. In love, I wanted; to do the things I love doing, to NOT do things I dislike, to enjoy the same activies, someone as affectionate as I am, someone chill (I had previously ended up with kinda controlling/intense guys, like my father). So, how did things turn out? Slam dunk on both counts. Amazing! Setting very clear and detailed intentions worked for me. It took about a year of focus to land the perfect job and the perfect life partner (and romantic, fun, meaningful love of my life). Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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