Saturday, November 10, 2018


Closure is a joke. The only apology you need, is the one you owe yourself for staying as long as you did. The only conversation you need to have and the only person you need to see again, is the person in the mirror. Look at yourself and say “you know what, I f-cked up. My worth is more than that”. That’s your closure.

— Unknown

My favourite therapist says that, if we’re honest and we’re paying attention, we can see warning signs and deal breakers within one or two dates, let alone one or two years of being with someone. He says it’s up to us to honor ourselves and say no as early as possible. Personally speaking, my last relationship should have been over before we even went on our first date, and most certainly within a month when I realized he was on the aloof side for me (among other things). Just sayin’ :)



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