"Know the difference between quitting and surrendering. Quitting and surrender are two very different things. Quitting sources like 'I don't feel like it, I'd rather watch Dowton Abbey. It's hard, I'm bored." Surrendering sounds like 'I've come to the end of my power and have nothing else I can do and nothing else to give.' Some of the most shameful experiences of my life came from quitting. The most beautiful experiences of my life came from surrendering. When you surrender, you recognize that you're not the most powerful force in the universe; you let go and accept whatever happens next."
- Elizabeth Gilbert, Author of Eat, Pray, Love
Eckhart Tolle, Author of The Power of Now and A New Earth would say something similar. He would say whatever happens "Do not resist." He would also say "Do not label things as good or bad. Just accept and trust what life brings." Tolle says additional pain comes from resisting what is or what has happened. He says if we can accept what is and get busy moving forward, the pain will subside more quickly. Sometimes what has gone "wrong" turns into the best thing that's ever happened to us.
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