Thursday, May 19, 2016

Befriend fear...

"Be thankful for fear. I'm a very fearful person but I have learned to thank fear: 'I understand you're trying to protect me. You're the ultimate bodyguard of my life.' We don't appreciate how fear has kept us alive this long. We're all here because at some point, our fear said 'Don't get in the car with that guy; don't walk down the street; don't go into the water - you're not a strong enough swimmer. ' We owe our fear our lives. Start by saying 'thank you, I appreciate all the ways you've saved my life. (But right now I don't need you; I'm just trying to write poetry!).' Creat an ongoing friendship with fear.

- Elizabeth Gilbert, Author of Eat, Pray, Love

Susan Jeffers, Author of Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway echo's this sentiment. I guess we have to live with the discomfort of fear and try to get used to it ;)



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