Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Peer group...

"Stop waiting and find your Tribe. Someone recently asked how to find a mentor. When I started out, I created a peer group and I think a peer group can help you more than a mentor. If you get people together who are powerless, unsuccessful and striving, and you show up for each other then you become your own mentor group. That same group who all had crappy jobs and all wanted to be writers - like me - are still the first people who read my manuscripts 20 years later. If your tribe doesn't exist yet, you may need to be the person to found the group. You might be the tribal leader. If the thing you need doesn't exist, create it. That's the ultimate creativity."

- Elizabeth Gilbert, Author of Eat, Pray, Love

That's what the "Smart Cookies" did to get out of debt and now they're successful enough to advise others with their online program. Impressive! Just sayin' ;)



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