Friday, January 1, 2016


"Lead me not into temptation, I can find the way myself."
-Rita Mae Brown, American Author

What do we resist and why? .... Food/sugar/carbs to keep our weight in check, booze so we're not getting too out of control, Lol;), resorting to animal attraction, again so we're not getting out of control and/or cheating on someone we care about, procrastination, so we're not getting behind at work, or on clean underwear, Lol, eating out and shopping, so we don't blow our budget etc... Geez, that's a lot to keep in check, is it not?? I think we could stand to cut ourselves a little slack if we slip up here or there. Life is too short to be so buttoned down all the time. Of course, we are going to have to live with ourselves long term, so maybe some extra chocolate or drinks, rather than some of the other devilish alternatives, ha ha.

Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2016 is all you want it to be :)



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