Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year's Resolutions...

Resolutions anyone? Here are some fun facts, compliments of Wikipedia :)

The most common reason for participants failing their New Year's Resolutions was setting unrealistic goals (35%), while 33% didn't keep track of their progress and a further 23% forgot about it. About one in 10 respondents claimed they made too many resolutions.

A 2007 study by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, despite the fact that 52% of the study's participants were confident of success at the beginning. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, (a system where small measurable goals are being set; such as a pound a week, instead of saying "lose weight"), while women succeeded 10% more when they made their goals public and got support from their friends.

Happy New Year everyone! Wishing you much love, abundance and joy in 2016 :)



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