Thursday, January 7, 2016

Judge a book by it's cover?...

"I buy expensive suits. They just look cheap on me." - Warren Buffett

Reminds me of the whole "Don't judge a book by it's cover" philosophy. I have to admit I've been dead wrong with some of my snap judgments. An example comes to mind. I was enjoying a peaceful Sunday morning of writing, the place all to myself, when a couple and young child walked in. They were loud and for some reason chose to sit right beside me at the window bar counter. The little girl caused a pretty big fuss and spilled her granola and yogurt all over the place. I was silently annoyed and busy summing the woman up based on her sort of ratty outfit/foreign accent/messy hair.... only to find out this young grandmother had a Master's in Psychology, was writing a fabulously interesting book and was truly lovely. I gave myself a sound talking to and vowed to resist the urge to judge so quickly moving forward. Just sayin' ;)



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