Monday, November 16, 2015

The shit days...

It's raining in heavy, slanted sheets, so the umbrella's useless. You sprint to your car to prevent further dampening of your clothes, when you see the yellow of a slippery parking ticket on your windshield. Shit! You went past your parking time by five f'ing minutes, costing you a minimum of $35 hard earned dollars. You suddenly hate the City of Vancouver and the darkness of this f'ing fall day. Meanwhile, the silence of your iPhone's been a constant source of sullenness because you're having a blip with your boyfriend and although clearly you both need a little time to think, it feels absolutely awful. Tears threaten to betray you as the event/conversation in question circles your mind. Add to that, a grinder of a work day because somehow your efforts just aren't landing. You realize you can't even have an adult beverage at the end of the day because you're fighting off the latest cold-flu/sore throat thing'y that's going around. I mean, come on! Really? I say fuck it! Some days you just gotta take a mental health day. When nothing's working, kick the day into tomorrow and start over ! Just sayin ;)



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