Tuesday, November 24, 2015

"The Empathy Trap"...

Selfish or self-caring? I think this quote says it all :)

by Robin Stern Ph.D. and Diane Divecha Ph.D.

"Putting yourself in someone else's shoes is good, but not when it becomes the default mode of relating to others. Too much empathy can blind you to your own needs. Reining in over-empathy requires emotional intelligence; it's underlying skill is self-awareness. You need always to be prepared to explore and meet your own needs. Once you know what you need, you can make a conscious decision about how much to give to another and how much to request for yourself."

I think we've just been given permission to put ourselves first:) ... Like in the safety demonstration on planes where they say to put your own oxygen mask on first. At the very least, we all deserve to place ourselves in equal position to our loved ones in terms of needs and wants.



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