Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The perfection handcuffs...

The software world is pretty ingenious in more ways than one. Not only has technology changed the world we live in, but they have also tackled issues around perfection. We want everything to be just so and we don't want to put things "out there" until we're satisfied. In the software world, however, they realized that they'd never launch a product if they waited for it to be "perfect"... and so we have versions of software, iPhones, iPads etc. Pretty smart, right? We can enjoy the features that are available now and then upgrade to the new ones when they're ready. I think this can apply to our lives as well. Maybe we can be happy with what we're creating and realize that we can continue improving along the way, whether it's our golf swing, painting, novel in the works etc. Perfection can be a moving target, as we learn, grow, become more proficient anyway:) Could really take the pressure off, right? Just sayin' ;)



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