Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Who are you?

Who are we? I think we spend our lives trying to figure this out. We try things on for size and see if they fit. We do this with dates and potential partners, perhaps with career, maybe substances or places to live. Beyond that, we may explore character traits and behaviours. A classic for women is the madonna/whore complex. This has been of particular interest to me, coming from an extremely conservative upbringing. With a father literally "armed" if boys came to the house, there was little room for exploration, if you know what I mean;) Needless to say, being a "good girl" seemed like the only option. Interestingly enough, this still very much suits. Though I love being curious and open, I am a bit of a country girl at heart... only, I'm actually hugely urban and not exactly fond of camping, unless there's a trailer with a shower and power outlet for my hair dryer and computer/Netfilx, Lol! But seriously, what's the mid-life crisis all about anyway.... double checking on who we've turned into? Just sayin;) Hugs.



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