Thursday, June 25, 2015

Reality vs fantasy...

Does reality ever live up to the height of our fantasies I wonder? Sex and relationship experts will caution against the whole "grass is greener" and pursuit of the ultimate "experience" out there. I guess you never know until you try, but when it comes to staying or bailing on a partner, therapists say that new and exciting prospects don't tend to live up to the hype in our heads. On the other hand, sometimes leaving is the right thing to do. It just may take a while before something better actually materializes, and for real. The perfect cut and paste partner is not so easy to find, in my experience. It seems like we trade some great qualities and compatibilities for a few others, while still missing some key line up factors. I really envy people who have found their ideal match/soulmate/passionate companion. Is it luck, fate, excellent and discerning choices? Humbled and curious to know...



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