Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tangling with bullies...

I was watching Jersey Boys last night and the Tony DeVito character has me thinking about the bullies in our lives. Some of those bullies can be immediate family, friends, bosses, colleagues, random strangers. The closer they are to us, the more complicated obviously. I've encountered more than my fair share of this personality type and it's no joke. Drawing boundaries with people like this is all but impossible because they pull out the anger/violence/attack card. There can be no winning. These people seem incapable of managing their emotions and reactions and tend to leave quite a wake. I'm not a fan of conflict to begin with, so I tend to cower or run from people like this. When forced to deal with them, I've tended to go for the diffuse strategy or play dead, Lol. ;) On some level, I feel sorry for these people because they don't seem to realize how much they're in their own way... and maybe we're born and raised in a way that sets us up anyway. How successful are we at changing our personalities over the years? Maybe we shave a little here or there, smooth a couple of edges, but we're pretty much set as we are. Case in point, I don't think I'll ever escape my fast-forward nature, which leaves me impatient and frustrated far too often. Just sayin:)



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