Friday, October 24, 2014

What's with all the crap that we don't want in our lives? Seriously! ;)

Seriously, what's with all the stuff that comes into our lives that we don't want and absolutely do not appreciate? We sit wondering, what the heck? So much advice out there says "manifest what you want", "think positively", "you are in charge of your destiny" etc. etc.. but try as we might, crappy things keep happening. So, seriously what's the deal?

Here's a revelation... and I think this is a cool, new way of thinking about such a perplexing conundrum. So, here's the scoop... apparently there is a great reason for all of this unwanted and unappreciated s--t that happens in our world. The silver lining is that what we don't want or need supposedly guides us and directs us to what we actually do want and need. With each annoyance, we refine the story/dream/picture of the life we so deeply desire. With each wrong guy, we become more specific and certain about who Mr Right needs to be for us. With each lousy manager, we look for a new job, with a better manager in our sights. These "wrong's" help create the rights. Cool, huh:)




  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing. You bring up an interesting issue that I’ve wondered about as well. Quite the conundrum as you say :) I agree with your revelation. We certainly do learn from our ‘bad’ experiences. How we handle these difficult moments in our life helps us grow. It helps to raise the quality of our consciousness, and propels us one step closer to becoming the person we are capable of being.

    There is one thing I’d like to add. The world works in cycles. The tide goes out, night follows day…good times, bad times. As you say, a lot of the info our there tells us that “everying is love and light, all the time, and that if we just think happily, even when things aren’t going very well, we’ll be fine.” I don’t think this is wrong, but I do think it’s important to realize that ups and downs, happy moments and struggles, are a part of life, part of the cycle. If we are aware of the cycle, we can acknowledge the ’bad times’, and take action to change it. We just need to flow through the negative energy and move on to what’s next :)

  2. Great comment and I thank you for sharing. :)
