Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Inner conflict, the culprit of our issues and unhappiness

A lot of us struggle with making decision in our lives and a lot of us remain in the wrong jobs and/or relationships because we simply feel stuck. We may even sit down to write a pro's and con's list and end up no closer to a decision. Both leaving and staying in a bad job or troubled relationship are equally painful and impossible to comprehend. Most of us live in a state of fear and/or confusion. Why is that? What is this really about?

There are a lot of resources and books available; Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway, Do What you Love and the Money Will Follow, The Purpose of Your Life and endless relationship books. It may be, however, that we need to go deeper... and to places we do not want to go. A great therapist will probably say that our crap job or our imperfect partner is not actually the problem. We are. What's scarier than facing that fact, is that apparently the problem(s) are unknown to us, and will remain unconscious if we maintain the status quo. So much of our critical history has been buried away for the sake of our survival and we have no idea what is going on in the background... and it gets scarier to think about because apparently, this unconscious stuff is actually running our lives and is making bad decisions for us. Accepting this kind of thinking is not for everyone. It even sounds like a dark maze, doesn't it. But for those of us who are willing to become somewhat of an emotional archaeologist, there are riches in this courageous journey... the kind of love we only see in Hollywood movies and a joy that we haven't believed possible. (For how to, check out Joel Brass workshops and/or book Healing Your Relationship With Yourself).



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