What is it about romance that we can become so fixated? Unless we're in a relationship, our top priority in life often seems to be a love interest, a fun flirtation or at least some form of sexy attention. Is this totally normal and healthy, or is there something compulsive and cautionary about that?
Well, certainly there can't be anything wrong with wanting fun and exciting company with someone special or sexy and fun. After all, it is, according to all sources, a basic, primitive need to have company, companionship and a sense of community. Studies have shown that animal babies can actually die of loneliness if they're left completely on their own. Babies even do better with a ticking alarm clock covered in a blanket next to them, rather than nothing at all. So, clearly, we do need one another out there in the world. But what about needing someone, anyone, at any cost. I think all of us have spent time with people who were't quite right, but that was better than nothing at all. Also, if we wait it out for Mr or Mrs Right, an almost Mr or Mrs Right can start to look pretty good after a time of zero romance or attraction. It seems to take quite a bit of discipline and commitment to self and one's truth to find the one who is truly our ideal partner. For those of us just looking for fun and friendship etc, hey, what the heck, have at 'er. To each his own, most certainly. What I'm speaking about is searching for a life partner and relationship of quality, depth, substance, real compatibility and staying power. This is when "settling" ends up costing in the end. So, how do we go about achieving a worthwhile and lasting connection? Well, it seems that we need to understand ourselves pretty darn well first and this may be easier said than done. We could probably all benefit from some form of deeper exploration into our critical wants/needs/values. Some of us may be able to determine all of this on our own, but I bet a lot of us could benefit from some form of relationship advice and/or personal growth. That way, when we find the one we want to commit to fully, we won't mess it up. Just sayin;)
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