Sunday, July 28, 2024

Words matter…

My therapist taught me that…

That words matter. 
Instead of staying “I can’t” say “It’s not a priority for me right now.”
Replace “I’m jealous of them” with “I’m inspired by them.”
Replace “I have to do this” with “I get to do this”
Replace “I failed” with “This attempt didn’t work.”
Replace “Why is this happening to me?” With “What am I learning from this?”

Words matter, because even if you don’t fully mean them, your brain can’t tell the difference.

— @latenightepiphanies_

I’ve been experimenting with this myself lately. Instead of thinking or saying I’ve failed in my entrepreneurial endeavours, I’ve been saying, I haven’t been able to replace the earnings of my day job yet, but I’m excited to keep trying, because I really enjoy the process. And I really do enjoy the process. If my current project works out, it’ll be icing on the cake, with more vacation time and maybe a fancier home. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs and good luck. XO



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