Wednesday, May 8, 2024

My mental health improved when I…

  • Stopped lying to myself
  • Created space from friendships I had outgrown
  • Set fire to the labels I thought defined me
  • Had really really really hard conversations
  • Stopped accepting inconsistency
  • Grieved the loss of the life I had envisioned
  • Paid more attention to what was working
— Unknown 

I can relate to so much of this. Above all, I finally accepted the kind of life I like living. I thought, Ok, well if I’m not cultured enough, so be it (because I’m not partial to the opera or ballet or museums). And if I’m not out-doors’y enough (hate the cold, and hate hiking/camping), so be it. I live in an area defined by natural beauty and people come from far and wide to do all of these things. And many of the guys I met were the same. But I’m a city girl, Lol ;) Once I settled into myself, I met my Mr Right. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs and good luck. XO



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