Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Don’t be afraid to start over…

You may like your new story better.

— Unknown 

Boy did I learn this lesson the hard way. I hesitated ending my last relationship for far too long and it really bit me in the a- - . Deep down, I had realized the match wasn’t quite aligned. As a matter of fact, going all the way back to the beginning, he wasn’t nearly warm and affectionate enough for my temperament. My favourite therapist talks about this a lot. He says we should be very discerning right up front, to avoid the inevitable break downs and painful endings. So I let this failing relationship drag on and then suffered the most humiliating break. Behind the scenes, he had fallen in love, and had moved on really, with someone from our inner circle. I felt very foolish. The silver lining is that I decided that I would never go through another painful break up. I met the love of my life a year later, after a going back to the drawing board (therapy, relationship courses etc), life altering time out. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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