Thursday, February 15, 2024

Taking bold action to succeed…

Author Dani Shapiro has published six novels, three bestselling memoirs, and a host of articles on major magazines. She co-founded a writer’s conference, teaches at top universities, and does a regular podcast… Here’s her secret: She feels that summoning courage is more important than being confident. Taking bold action to accomplish what you want is more crucial than cultivating self-assurance. 

— Rob Brezsny

I must admit that my boldest moves have been foisted upon me. I struggled to find a job in my industry post-2008 financial crisis, which left me little choice but to pursue contract options. Although I’m still toiling at the day job, I continue to pursue entrepreneurial endeavours, which has been a dream of mine. Romantically, I was blindsided in embarrassing fashion, which stopped me dead in my tracks. I went back to intensive therapy and learned how to make smart decisions. I took the time to understand my boundaries, needs, wants and deal breakers. The silver lining is that I’ve become more comfortable taking bold action. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs and good luck. XO



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