Friday, February 2, 2024

Are you a cycle breaker?…

A ‘Cycle Breaker’ is Someone in Your Family Who:

  • Disrupts the genetic imprints
  • Starts the healing in the family
  • Recognizes dysfunctional behaviour in themselves and changes it
  • Takes time to understand why the people in their family are as they are
  • Recognizes coping mechanisms that are no longer helpful
  • Doesn’t seem to fit in with the family
  • Is ready to know themselves outside the family system
  • Recognizes unhealthy familial patterns and chooses to not repeat them
— @psychetherapy.central

What I find interesting is that we apparently inherit personality traits, in addition physical features. Super interesting. Anyhow, I feel fortunate to have inherited a passion for learning, healing and growing. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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