Sunday, October 8, 2023

Things I can control…

1. How I react to people & situations 
2. What I eat
3. How I treat my body
4. How I treat myself
5. Who I spend my time with
6. What I do in my spare time
7. How clean my home is
8. When I sleep
9. My thoughts


Right. Well, what I’ve learned from intensive healing work is that it’s not so simple. There are some things we may struggle to mind over matter, if we have unresolved childhood trauma. The deeper the issues, the more intense the triggers, and the greater the potential for depression and anxiety. And so odds are we self-medicate in various ways; turning to comfort food, binge watching shows into the wee hours, put off cleaning, hit happy hour after work instead of the gym etc. In my experience, this entire list becomes more and more second nature, the more I take care of my mental and emotional health. (Which at this point is regular Craniosacral Therapy, to tackle my sometimes over-active nervous system/fight or flight response). Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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