Sunday, October 22, 2023

Realism vs optimism linked to greater happiness…

Being realistic about your life outcomes is likely to make you happier than overestimating them.

Realists with grounded expectations reported better psychological health than extreme optimists or pessimists. 

Life satisfaction took a hit for both overly positive and negative thinkers.

— According to Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin study of 1601subjects, by researchers David de Meza (London School of Economics) and Chris Dawson (University of Bath) … excerpt from Ray Williams article “Why Being a Realist Rather Than and Optimist Can Be a Key to Well-Being, Linked in Newsletter

I am taking serious note because I have a feeling I’ve been blindly optimistic at times, under-estimating forces outside my control. A good friend of mine always cautioned “Girl, have high hopes, and REALISTIC expectations.” But I’ve been adamant in minding over matter’ing my way to the promised land (passive income stream, laptop lifestyle, living/working from wherever I want, whenever I want, how I want). Yet, here I am, many years later, still striving, working for the man (corporate day job). I’ve had my exciting possibilities (and still do), but I have yet to break free. Stay tuned though, because extreme optimism or savvy realism aside, the one thing I’ve always relied upon to succeed is perseverance. Never say die, right? But I will allow space for realities, and a softer landing on the inevitable road blocks. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO




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