Sunday, April 16, 2023

Embrace the tension (and let something better come)…

The reason to tell the story, I think it’s a great example of how to embrace tension. Because we all have it now and I don’t care what your job is. I often found that idea of: Run to conflict. Most people were like, ‘No, no. Let me delegate conflict.’ I started to like it because I always knew something better was going to come. Even an upset customer, If you’re like, ‘I don’t want to call them…’ I would actually like to call them because honestly, I’ll get to the bottom of what it really is and usually you can actually fix what it really is.

— Ginni Rometty, IBM’s longest CEO (About leading in tough times). 

I’ve been in business development for over thirty years and I’m still learning to embrace the uncomfortable. I used to shy away from intimidating discussions, but I now see friction as an opportunity to learn and grow. The vocal customer offers critical, and potentially savvy (and free) insight. In fact, some of my most resistant customers have become fierce advocates. In another context, I also learned that inviting a loved one to share their grievance(s) can lead to a mutually enriching path forward. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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