Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Success requires replacement…

Alcohol (or coffee) —> Water
Netflix —> Reading
Overthinking —> Action
Scrolling —> Exercise
Complaining —> Gratitude
Toxic friends —> Mentors
All nighters —> Sleep
Blame —> Accountability
Fast food —> Homemade food

— Unknown

I’m big on tips and tweaks that don’t kill me, and add value to my life, Lol ;) I heard Johnny Depp talk about how, at this point, 8 hours sleep is the bomb (Something to that effect anyhow). No question life is easier when you’re well rested. A friend of mine also shared some excellent advice from his personal trainer; if you want to lose weight and/or be more toned, simply drink more water and add extra vegetables to your diet. Way easier than being on a diet, per se. I’ve been drinking water while I drink alcohol and while I drink my morning coffee. This seems to reduce the negative effects of both quite a bit (less of a hang over and less wired). Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO




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