Monday, November 28, 2022

Letting go of a possible future that never will be…

It’s not really letting go of the past that’s the problem.
It is coming to terms with letting go of a possible future that will never be.

That is the struggle.
The mind wants to keep its fantasies.
Even when they are wrong, unhealthy, dangerous, or even cruel.

To let go of the past, you must let go of the future and live in the present. 

— Bella Love 

My biggest issue was understanding my own needs and wants. I was also unsure of how perfect a match one could expect. We routinely hear that relationships take work, so at what point do we throw in the towel? I always found it hard to meet someone I was even attracted to, let alone a perfectly suited companion. But in the end, the differences drove a wedge in all of my past relationships. I came to the end of the line and knew I couldn’t do another almost relationship, because they fracture in the end, at least for me. So I took off the rose tinted glasses, and wrote a starkly honest vision of how I live my life and how I want to continue living my life. This meant no more outdoorsy dates. No more compromising on my foundational needs and wants, period. I met the love of my life and perfect partner within a year. Sure, we need to navigate issues at times. But we invite transparent discussions with one another and make mutually agreed upon adjustments when needed. Above all, we’re aligned partners, with one set of goals and a shared vision. Just sayin’ :) Hugs, and good luck. XO



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