Monday, November 7, 2022

If you haven’t healed it, you keep reliving it…

If you haven’t healed it, 
every time you think about a negative event from your past, 
your body produces the exact same chemicals in the body as when it happened. 

That means you relive the experience hundreds of times simply because you haven’t let go.

— Unknown 

My favourite therapist says that when we’re young, we don’t have the emotional skills to understand and cope with what’s happened (or happening) to us. As adults, we it is possible to process such events (especially with the help of a professional), remove some of the charge and, better yet, learn some new coping skills. He says we cannot change where we come from or what’s happened to us, but we can evolve through it and achieve a deeper level of understanding and compassion for ourselves and others. This learning will probably improve all of our relationships. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO




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