Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Souls love (Ego’s don’t)…

That’s what souls do. Ego’s don’t, but souls do.

Become a soul, look around, and you’ll be amazed — all the beings around you are souls.

Be one, see one.

— Ram Dass (American spiritual teacher, guru of modern yoga, psychologist, and author. His 1071 best-selling book Be Here Now, which has been described by multiple reviewers as “seminal”, helped popularize Eastern Spirituality and yoga in the west. Ram Dass travelled extensively, giving talks and retreats and holding fundraisers for charitable causes in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s). 

My favourite therapist talks about keeping the Ego in check. He says our Ego plays a critical role in protecting us, and keeping us safe (particularly while we were growing up). But Ego can be quite militant, and even damaging, if left to rule our actions and decision making. My coach advises working with our entire “Inner Family”; Inner Child (the more tender, vulnerable, heart-felt part of us), Spirit (the empathetic, spiritual, more tolerant and understanding part of us), and adult (the responsible part of us that holds it all together and shows up a work). Working with the Inner Family involves writing from each  specific perspective. It’s quite an enlightening exercise and very calming, in my experience. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO




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