Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Try again…

Affleck told WSJ. Magazine in December about feeling “lucky” to have been given second chances, both in his work and personal life. 

“I’ve had second chances in my career. I’ve had second chances as a human being. Life is difficult, and we are always failing and hopefully learning from those failures.” He said. “The one thing you really need to avail yourself of the opportunities provided from that growth is the second chance. I’ve definitely tried to take advantage of that. I haven’t always been successful, but in cases in which I have, they’ve turned out to be the defining aspects of my life.”

— Ben Affleck 

I’ve needed second chances in both love and career as well. In love, my second (or third really, Lol) chance allowed me to find my perfect match; lots in common, willing to talk about issues and  peacefully/lovingly/respectfully resolve them, equally in like and in love with one another. In career, I realized that being a good employee isn’t enough. Learning to become indispensable, by over-delivering on a consistent basis, has provided the financial security and stability that I’ve always wanted and needed. The unexpected and surprising gifts have been a renewed sense of pride and self esteem. It’s pretty cool actually. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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